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Making the case for state management of federal public land in Arizona
Explore the benefits of state control over public lands in Arizona, including improved land management, enhanced recreational access, and a constitutional framework that ensures federal interests are balanced with state sovereignty. Learn about interest-only legislative jurisdiction and the restoration of RS 2477 rights-of-way for motorized access.
Pro Tip #4 | Lower Differential Gear Ratios Restore Performance Lost With Larger Tires
Learn how to regain optimal performance for your 4×4 vehicle after upgrading to larger tires with our comprehensive guide to regearing a differential. This step-by-step article covers essential topics like gear ratio selection, differential components, technical steps for ring and pinion setup, and the break-in process to maximize your vehicle’s torque, fuel efficiency, and off-road…
IPBES Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
This article exposes the hidden agenda behind the corporate takeover of natural resources under the guise of environmental action, as pushed by global entities like IPBES and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. It argues that these so-called sustainability measures infringe on individual land use rights, displace local communities, and hand control to multinational corporations. Instead of…
RED ALERT | Green Impact Exchange – an incremental approach to trading nature on Wall Street
Discover how activist investors and Wall Street tycoons are gaining control over U.S. public lands through corporate entities and ESG-driven financial assets. The Green Impact Exchange, under SEC consideration, aims to be the first U.S. securities exchange dedicated to funding green agendas, reshaping public and private land management. Learn about the implications of this corporate…
ACTION ALERT | Boycott welfare EV charging stations
Learn why we are calling for a boycott of Arizona businesses accepting federal funding for EV charging stations. Stand against the EV mandate by voting with your dollars to disrupt the renewable energy push.
The link between nature conservation and the Nazis
Explore the controversial link between early nature conservation and the eugenics movement through the life of Madison Grant, a key figure who advocated for both environmental preservation and eugenics. This article explores Grant’s legacy, his role in founding national parks, and his influence on radical policies, including his impact on Nazi ideologies that still drive…