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Airing Down Tires: Unleashing Off-Road Performance
When it comes to conquering off-road terrain, one common aspect of vehicle preparation is the practice of airing down tires. Airing down, also known as deflating the tires, involves reducing the tire pressure to a level lower than what is recommended for regular on-road driving. While this may seem counterintuitive at first, the benefits it…
Doubt The Drought | The Arizona Rainmakers who modify the weather
Climate change is definitely man-made. Now, before you get your panties in a bunch over that statement, understand I am not talking about your Sport Utility Vehicle, your four children, or the beef in your freezer. Instead, consider the multifaceted effort of self-proclaimed intellectuals attempting to modify the weather in the Colorado River Basin.
How Emissions Credits encourage business and Gov. to close motorized roads in AZ
Particulate Matter 10 (PM10) emissions have become one of the most compelling arguments against motorized use of public roads since the passage of the Clean Air Act. As a result of this law, Arizona air is strictly governed by state and federal bureaucrats.
Infrastructure bill calls for ‘impaired detection technology’ that will control and surveil how you drive
The recently passed Infrastructure Bill has made headlines for its ambitious goals of improving the nation’s roads, bridges, and public transportation systems. However, buried within its lengthy provisions is a contentious mandate that has raised significant concerns among privacy advocates and proponents of personal freedom alike. The requirement for auto manufacturers to include “impairment detection…
The Threat to Arizona’s Rural Way of Life: The Battle Against Massive Master-Planned Communities
We cherish our rural way of life, with its quiet neighborhoods, low crime rates, and small family-owned businesses. We appreciate the beauty of nature, wildlife, and the rich history of the area. However, this rural way of life is threatened by massive master-planned communities being developed in the West Valley. These communities, led by the…
Preserving the Magic: Protecting the Apache Trail for Future Generations
Attention, nature enthusiasts and road warriors! Is the awe-inspiring beauty of the Apache Trail calling your name? We have a chance to contribute to its rejuvenation and make it even better. Let’s rally together and submit comments to the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) urging them to clear the rock falls and repair the trail,…
Biden declares 1 million acre National Monument in Arizona | Thousands of miles of roads at stake
On August 8th, 2023, Joe Biden used the Antiquities Act and signed a proclamation declaring the Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument, which has placed over 1 million acres of state and federal public land in Arizona under rigorous protection. The proposed monument was introduced by the Grand Canyon…
ADOT starts studies to repair Fish Creek Hill on the world famous Apache Trail
The Arizona Department of Transportation has initiated a comprehensive study to evaluate the viability of reopening the currently inaccessible seven mile segment of the Apache Trail situated at Fish Creek Hill, as mandated by an Arizona appropriation bill. With the objective of ascertaining the feasibility of this endeavor, the department is diligently examining various factors…
Understanding RS2477: Navigating the Right-of-Way Controversy
Right-of-way is a legal term that refers to the legal right of someone to pass through a property owned by another person. It is an essential concept when it comes to accessing public lands, national parks, and other areas. RS2477, also known as the Revised Statute 2477, is a law in the United States that…