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The Threat to Arizona’s Rural Way of Life: The Battle Against Massive Master-Planned Communities
We cherish our rural way of life, with its quiet neighborhoods, low crime rates, and small family-owned businesses. We appreciate the beauty of nature, wildlife, and the rich history of the area. However, this rural way of life is threatened by massive master-planned communities being developed in the West Valley. These communities, led by the…
Biden declares 1 million acre National Monument in Arizona | Thousands of miles of roads at stake
On August 8th, 2023, Joe Biden used the Antiquities Act and signed a proclamation declaring the Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument, which has placed over 1 million acres of state and federal public land in Arizona under rigorous protection. The proposed monument was introduced by the Grand Canyon…
Understanding RS2477: Navigating the Right-of-Way Controversy
Right-of-way is a legal term that refers to the legal right of someone to pass through a property owned by another person. It is an essential concept when it comes to accessing public lands, national parks, and other areas. RS2477, also known as the Revised Statute 2477, is a law in the United States that…
Tucson 15-minute city proposal calls for reprioritization of transportation away from automobiles
The City of Tucson has put forth a Climate Action Plan to implement the controversial 15-minute-city agenda in a citywide referendum labeled “Tuscon Resilient Together.” This proposal comes at the heels of Tucson Mayor Regina Romero’s declaration of a climate emergency, and commitment to achieving carbon neutrality by the year 2030.
ACTION ALERT | City of Sedona proposes ban on aftermarket equipment within city limits
The Sedona City Council has proposed a city ordinance that will prohibit the use of motor vehicles and decimate small business within city limits. Minute AB 2950 at the City Council’s May 23, 2023 meeting introduced discussion regarding an amendment to title 10 of the city code that adds chapter 10.30 Improper Motor Vehicle Equipment.
SB1100 passed the AZ House of Representatives and was vetoed by Governor Hobbs
Senate Bill 1100, that would have increased the Off Highway Vehicle weight to 3,500 lbs passed the Arizona House of Representatives on May 15th 2023 and was transmitted to Governor Katie Hobbs, where she quickly vetoed the bill. Although we understand her decision is purely political, this is a massive win for the 4×4 community!
RED ALERT | New BLM rule will decimate multiple use mandate and end public participation requirements
A new proposed rule published in the Federal Register on April 3, 2023 seeks to realign the Bureaus’ objective by placing environmental protection on a level playing field with the bureaus’ multiple use mandate. According to the Bureau, the new regulation will establish conservation “on par” with the Bureaus multiple use mandate established by the…
SB1100 Moves ahead in House Committees
The new bill in the Arizona Legislature that will refine Arizona’s definition of OHV is moving forward through House committees with the full support of House Republicans. The bill will increase the state’s threshold weight that defines an OHV from 2,500 lbs to 3,500 lbs. Arizona Backcountry Explorers is concerned that OHV regulations designed for…
SB1393 | Reallocating the OHV fund to establish County Sheriff OHV Safety Fund
Republican Senator Sine Kerr has introduced a bill that will reallocate the Arizona Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) fund. As it is, 30% of the OHV fund goes to the Arizona Highway User Revenue Fund administered by the Arizona Department of Transportation. The new bill will add ARS 28-1182 to reallocate this 30% and establish the…