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ACTION ALERT | SB1100 increases OHV weight limit to 3,500 lbs
Republican Senator Frank Carroll from district 23 has introduced a Bill that will increase the OHV weight limit requiring motorized vehicles under 3,500 lbs to acquire an Arizona Off Highway Vehicle sticker. The bill simply amends Arizona Revised Statutes 28.101, 28.1177, and 28.5801 to change the weight limits from 2,500 to 3,500 lbs.
SPECIAL REPORT | Desalination: A monopoly on western water
Lake Powell and Mead are at the lowest point since their construction. The water, too many folks in the west, especially the farmers, is a serious concern. Now a resolution is starting to emerge in the mainstream that, on the surface, appears will provide us with an abundance of water and forever secure Arizona’s water…
DC Court ruling threatens the use of roads on public lands
Since the beginning of time, roads have been considered public spaces that are not only used for transportation but also for the right to assemble. Because of the inherent nature of a right-of-way easement, roads are held in trust by our local government which is tasked with securing our right to use, exchange ideas, and…
23,000 miles of roads on public land will undergo Travel Mgmt in the next 3 years.
23,000 miles of roads are on the chopping block in the next three years on Bureau of Land Management Land in Arizona.
ACTION ALERT | Middle Gila Travel Mgmt Plan Starts | Access to 350k acres threatened
The Bureau of Land Management has started a Travel Management Plan that will affect access to over 300,000 acres of land south of Tucson Arizona.
ACTION ALERT | permit zones Tonto NF | $10 fee Bulldog Rolls Sycamore St Clair Desert Vista
The US Forest Service Tonto National Forest is proposing off Hwy vehicle permit zones that will limit access to over 300 miles of roads on a total of 116,988 acres of public land
ACTION ALERT | Buckeye Hills Travel Mgmt | 354 mi of roads CLOSED Rainbow Valley
The Bureau of Land Management has released a final decision on the Buckeye Hills Travel Management Plan near Rainbow Valley and Buckeye Arizona. The Final decision will permanently close half of the existing roads in the project area. Please use the form below to contact the local political representatives and urge them to intervene.
ACTION ALERT | Bouse & Cactus Plain Final Decision | 1,049 mi of roads CLOSED
The Bureau of Land Management Havasu Field Office has quietly released a finial decision on the Bouse and Cactus Plain Travel Management Plan that includes 1,049 miles of roads closed or restricted to the public.
The UN and property rights by Henry Lamb
In this article Henry Lamb exposes how the United States is adhering to the demands of global governance in the name of biodiversity. In addition to what he writes in this article, these changes have direct influence on the travel management process.
ACTION ALERT | Proposal calls for diversion tunnels around Glen Canyon Dam
The Bureau of Reclamation is seeking public comment on Post-2026 Colorado River Reservoir Operational Strategies for Lake Powell and Lake Mead.