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First Amendment protections and 4×4 Trail Rides
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution is a cornerstone of American society, guaranteeing freedom of speech, religion, the press, and peaceful assembly. While we often associate these rights with traditional forms of expression like protests or political rallies, they also extend to more unconventional activities. One such activity is 4×4 trail rides, which…
Infrastructure bill calls for ‘impaired detection technology’ that will control and surveil how you drive
The recently passed Infrastructure Bill has made headlines for its ambitious goals of improving the nation’s roads, bridges, and public transportation systems. However, buried within its lengthy provisions is a contentious mandate that has raised significant concerns among privacy advocates and proponents of personal freedom alike. The requirement for auto manufacturers to include “impairment detection…
Arizona Backcountry Explorers files FOIA request seeking information on USFS & BLM Employees
We have filed a Freedom of Information Act request seeking information on U.S. Forest Service employees in Arizona. We are requesting the first and last name, year hired, professional title, position of employment, job description, yearly salary including bonuses and tips, Forest Service employee phone number, and Forest Service employee email address.
Yuma County Sheriff speaks about the Arizona Border Crisis
The incredible Peter Santenello rides along with the Yuma County Sheriff Wilmot and gives us an inside look at the southern border crisis.
We are blocked from sending email newsletters
Arizona Backcountry Explorers is being censored through social media and email