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Making the case for state management of federal public land in Arizona
Explore the benefits of state control over public lands in Arizona, including improved land management, enhanced recreational access, and a constitutional framework that ensures federal interests are balanced with state sovereignty. Learn about interest-only legislative jurisdiction and the restoration of RS 2477 rights-of-way for motorized access.
DC Court ruling threatens the use of roads on public lands
Since the beginning of time, roads have been considered public spaces that are not only used for transportation but also for the right to assemble. Because of the inherent nature of a right-of-way easement, roads are held in trust by our local government which is tasked with securing our right to use, exchange ideas, and…
ACTION ALERT | Proposal calls for diversion tunnels around Glen Canyon Dam
The Bureau of Reclamation is seeking public comment on Post-2026 Colorado River Reservoir Operational Strategies for Lake Powell and Lake Mead.
Comments to NPS on Tuweep Day Use Reservation System
We have engaged in the proposed Tuweep reservation system. Here is our comment to the National Park Service.