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Roads on federal land have always been, and always will be, governed by state law
Learn the truth behind federal travel management policies, their impact on state governance of public roads, and the role of environmental litigation in road closures. Discover how Revised Statute 2477 and state law hold the key to restoring access and preserving motorized use on public lands.
ACTION ALERT | Table Mesa Recreation Area Management Plan Revision
The Bureau of Land Management is seeking comments from the public concerning the revision of the Table Mesa Area Resource Management Plan. The emendation will set the Bureau’s objectives for managing recreation in the 11,500-acre project area for the next several years. The project is on the west side of Interstate 17 stretching from New…
Black Canyon TMP Final Decision | Approx 260 MI of existing roads CLOSED
The Bureau of Land Management has released their final decision on the Black Canyon Corridor Travel Management Plan.
Proposed withdrawal of 21,200 acres of public land near Yuma
The United States Army is requesting the withdrawal of 33.125 square miles of public land. This process will add 21,200 acres to the Yuma Proving Ground and prohibit mining and other forms of multiple use within the area.
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants | Rule for the Silverspot Butterfly
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), propose to list a subspecies of butterfly (Speyeria nokomis nokomis), a silverspot butterfly from Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah, as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act), with a rule issued under section 4(d) of the Act (“4(d) rule”).
1,853 miles of backroads closed | Tonto NF
The USDA Forest Service has released their Revised Final Environmental Impact Statement concerning the Travel Management in the Tonto National Forest.