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House Bill 2426 was introduced by Republican Representative Timothy Dunn, district 25, and will amend section 28-2156 of the Arizona Revised Statute. The bill aims to allow the issuance of a 30-day temporary general use registration for nonresidents owning off-highway vehicles (OHVs) titled in another state.
Currently, Arizona law permits temporary general use registration for motor vehicles, allowing operation for up to 30 days within a 12-month period. This registration requires compliance with insurance requirements and visible display of registration. The fee for this registration is $15. The proposed bill extends this provision to nonresident owners of OHVs titled in other states.
The bill passed through the Technical Correction Committee unanimously and received a vote of 58-0-1-0-1 during the third reading in the House.
Call Representative Timothy Dunn and your state legislators in your district to voice your opinion!
Find the bill status and information here.
Representative Timothy Dunn’s office: 602-926-4139 Email:
Below is the actual text of the Bill from the State Legislature.
House Engrossed
technical correction; traffic violations (now: off-highway vehicle; temporary registration) |
State of Arizona House of Representatives Fifty-sixth Legislature Second Regular Session 2024
An Act
amendingsection 28-2156, Arizona Revised Statutes; relating to registrationrequirements.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Arizona:
Section 1. Section 28-2156, Arizona RevisedStatutes, is amended to read:
A. In lieu of permanent registration, the departmentmay issue a temporary general use registration that allows a person to operatea vehicle for no not more thanthirty days.
B. The director may authorize issuance of thistemporary registration if either of the following applies:
1. The person does not qualifyfor registration under section 28-2154 or 28-2292 or article 10 ofthis chapter.
2. The person is a nonresident whoowns an off-highway vehicle that is titled in another state and otherwisemeets the requirements of chapter 3, article 20 of this title.
C. A person operating a vehicle with a temporarygeneral use registration shall comply with the mandatory motor vehicleinsurance requirements of this state prescribed in chapter 9, article 4 of thistitle.
D. The department shall prescribe the content andform of the temporary general use registration application. Theowner or operator of the vehicle shall display the temporary general useregistration so that it is clearly visible from outside the vehicle.
E. The registering officer shall not issue more thanone temporary general use registration for a vehicle in a twelvemonth twelve-month period.
F. At the time of application for a temporarygeneral use registration, the applicant shall submit for inspection properevidence of ownership or authorized possession of the vehicle.
G. The fee for the temporary general useregistration is as prescribed in section 28-2003. Theregistering officer shall deposit one dollar
H. For the purposes of this section,"off-highway vehicle" means an off-highway vehicle thatsatisfies all of the following:
1. Is designed primarily forrecreational nonhighway all-terrain travel.
2. Is eighty or fewer inches inwidth.
3. Has an unladen weight of twothousand five hundred pounds or less.
4. Travels on four or more nonhighwaytires.
5. Has a steering wheel for steeringcontrol.
6. Has a rollover protectivestructure.
7. Has an occupant retention system.
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