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The Federal Highway Administration is seeking public comments on repairs to an eleven-mile section of state route 88 Apache Trail. The 11-mile section spans from Roosevelt Dam to Apache Lake Marina. These new improvements would pave this section of roadway, clear visual obstructions, and repair culverts damaged by flood.
Unfortunately, this plan does not include repairing the collapsed road into Fish Creek. The state has deemed State Route 88 indefinitely closed, and there is no plan to reopen the road. According to ADOT officials, the collapsed section of the road will cost millions of dollars to repair, and the surrounding area must regenerate vegetation to avoid further erosion.
The Arizona Department of Agriculture collects seed from native Arizona plants just for this purpose. Along state highways, the seed is planted to encourage growth and reduce erosion, but there are no efforts to do so along Apache Trail. In fact, ADOT tells us that Apache Trail isn’t even on the 5-year plan.
Visit the Project Page for complete details about this proposal.
We have provided all documents associated with the project below.
You can email your comments to the Federal Highway Administration. Email your comments directly to or mail them to Dustin Robbins, Project Manager, FHWA, 12300 W. Dakota Ave. Lakewood, Colorado 80228.
This petition is now closed.
End date: Jun 19, 2021
Signatures collected: 55
Signature goal: 1000
Signature goal: 1000
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