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Doubt The Drought | The Arizona Rainmakers who modify the weather
Climate change is definitely man-made. Now, before you get your panties in a bunch over that statement, understand I am not talking about your Sport Utility Vehicle, your four children, or the beef in your freezer. Instead, consider the multifaceted effort of self-proclaimed intellectuals attempting to modify the weather in the Colorado River Basin.
How Emissions Credits encourage business and Gov. to close motorized roads in AZ
Particulate Matter 10 (PM10) emissions have become one of the most compelling arguments against motorized use of public roads since the passage of the Clean Air Act. As a result of this law, Arizona air is strictly governed by state and federal bureaucrats.
The Threat to Arizona’s Rural Way of Life: The Battle Against Massive Master-Planned Communities
We cherish our rural way of life, with its quiet neighborhoods, low crime rates, and small family-owned businesses. We appreciate the beauty of nature, wildlife, and the rich history of the area. However, this rural way of life is threatened by massive master-planned communities being developed in the West Valley. These communities, led by the…
Tucson 15-minute city proposal calls for reprioritization of transportation away from automobiles
The City of Tucson has put forth a Climate Action Plan to implement the controversial 15-minute-city agenda in a citywide referendum labeled “Tuscon Resilient Together.” This proposal comes at the heels of Tucson Mayor Regina Romero’s declaration of a climate emergency, and commitment to achieving carbon neutrality by the year 2030.
Yuma County Sheriff speaks about the Arizona Border Crisis
The incredible Peter Santenello rides along with the Yuma County Sheriff Wilmot and gives us an inside look at the southern border crisis.
SPECIAL REPORT | Desalination: A monopoly on western water
Lake Powell and Mead are at the lowest point since their construction. The water, too many folks in the west, especially the farmers, is a serious concern. Now a resolution is starting to emerge in the mainstream that, on the surface, appears will provide us with an abundance of water and forever secure Arizona’s water…
ACTION ALERT | permit zones Tonto NF | $10 fee Bulldog Rolls Sycamore St Clair Desert Vista
The US Forest Service Tonto National Forest is proposing off Hwy vehicle permit zones that will limit access to over 300 miles of roads on a total of 116,988 acres of public land
ACTION ALERT | Bouse & Cactus Plain Final Decision | 1,049 mi of roads CLOSED
The Bureau of Land Management Havasu Field Office has quietly released a finial decision on the Bouse and Cactus Plain Travel Management Plan that includes 1,049 miles of roads closed or restricted to the public.