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RED ALERT | New Arizona laws propose sweeping changes for motorized public land users
Arizona’s state legislature is fast-tracking four bills aimed at regulating off-highway vehicles (OHVs), drawing on bipartisan support and controversy. The proposed laws redefine OHVs, alter Arizona Revised Statutes to include stricter requirements for operation and registration, and establish new education courses. This legislative push stems from Sedona residents’ complaints about motorized public land use, affecting…
ACTION ALERT | SB1567 Proposes Sweeping Changes to Arizona OHV Laws
Senate Bill 1567, sponsored by Senator Sine Kerr, revises Arizona’s legislation on off-highway vehicles (OHVs). It mandates driver’s licenses for OHV operators, bans alcohol consumption, requires safety education, and introduces strict safety protocols for minors. Amendments include redefining OHVs and specifying age-related operation restrictions. It passed the Senate on February 15, 2024.