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Making the case for state management of federal public land in Arizona
Explore the benefits of state control over public lands in Arizona, including improved land management, enhanced recreational access, and a constitutional framework that ensures federal interests are balanced with state sovereignty. Learn about interest-only legislative jurisdiction and the restoration of RS 2477 rights-of-way for motorized access.
RED ALERT | New Arizona laws propose sweeping changes for motorized public land users
Arizona’s state legislature is fast-tracking four bills aimed at regulating off-highway vehicles (OHVs), drawing on bipartisan support and controversy. The proposed laws redefine OHVs, alter Arizona Revised Statutes to include stricter requirements for operation and registration, and establish new education courses. This legislative push stems from Sedona residents’ complaints about motorized public land use, affecting…
ACTION ALERT | Gila San Simon TMP will close 494 miles of roads near Safford, AZ
The Bureau of Land Management has proposed a Travel Management Plan that will affect motorized access to nearly 1 million acres of public lands near Gila, Arizona. The proposed travel network contains 2,389 miles of roads with 494 miles designated as closed under the preferred alternative C.
Bureau of Land Management | How Arizona stopped trail closures
Facing trail closures on BLM land, Arizona fought back, saving over 10,000 miles of trails and setting a precedent for motorized access in public lands. Learn how the battle led to the disapproval of BLM’s Resource Management 2.0, reopening thousands of trails across the U.S. and shaping the future of public land access.
AZ BLM uses “suitable” endangered species habitat to close public roads
The BLM uses “suitable habitat” for endangered species to justify public road closures without solid scientific evidence. This double standard raises concerns about the management of public lands.