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Understanding RS2477: Navigating the Right-of-Way Controversy
Right-of-way is a legal term that refers to the legal right of someone to pass through a property owned by another person. It is an essential concept when it comes to accessing public lands, national parks, and other areas. RS2477, also known as the Revised Statute 2477, is a law in the United States that…
ACTION ALERT | Buckeye Hills Travel Mgmt | 354 mi of roads CLOSED Rainbow Valley
The Bureau of Land Management has released a final decision on the Buckeye Hills Travel Management Plan near Rainbow Valley and Buckeye Arizona. The Final decision will permanently close half of the existing roads in the project area. Please use the form below to contact the local political representatives and urge them to intervene.
BLM Management Strategy for Motorized Vehicle Use on Public Lands
Learn about the Bureau of Land Management’s National Management Strategy, developed in 2001 to address Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) issues on federal lands. Explore how RS 2477 rights-of-way are incorporated into land-use planning and how the BLM’s travel management strategy impacts motorized access. Discover the importance of RS 2477 rights-of-way in defending off-highway vehicle access and…
A call to action for all outdoorsmen across America
Join the fight to protect outdoor recreation and public lands in the West. Discover how we can reverse damaging federal regulations, restore access to trails and campsites, and support the outdoor economy. Learn how you can make your voice heard in Congress and help secure the future of recreation in the U.S.
Private property | Respected access is granted access
This article discusses the importance of respecting private land access in Arizona’s backcountry and the growing issue of trespassing. It highlights the role of landowners in maintaining open roads and trails, the consequences of ignoring “No Trespassing” signs, and how private property rights can impact access to historic sites and off-road trails. With examples from…
House joint resolution 44 might be the answer to motorized road closures on federal lands.
Learn about House Joint Resolution 44 and its impact on Arizona’s public lands. Discover how Arizona citizens can take action to enforce laws protecting public land rights and challenge federal overreach.